
The Truth About Those Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity can strike at any time and leave you with sharp, shooting pains in your teeth from ordinary activities. But you’re not alone because at least 45 million Americans suffer from sensitive teeth. Discover what causes the problem and ways to take the ache away.

The Details Behind The Discomfort

We are often asked, “Why do my teeth hurt when eating, drinking, and brushing?” The answer is that you probably suffer from sensitive teeth. This condition occurs when the hard enamel protecting the tooth starts to wear away. This reveals the underlying layer called dentin that covers the tooth’s nerves and roots. It also strikes when your gum tissue recedes to the point that the tooth’s roots are exposed. When your tooth loses its protective covering, it can cause extreme sensitivity while eating or drinking things that are cold, hot, sweet, or sour. Even breathing, brushing, and flossing can become very painful because all of these sensations stimulate the nerves inside of the tooth.

The Reasons at the Root of Tooth Sensitivity

This painful problem can be caused by many different factors. You will need to come in and have a comprehensive exam to determine the cause of your condition, but most cases of sensitivity result from the following issues:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • A cracked, chipped, or broken tooth
  • Worn or broken fillings
  • Eroded tooth enamel
  • Overly aggressive brushing can cause guns to recede and leave the tooth’s roots exposed
  • Brushing your teeth with a hard-bristled toothbrush, which can wear away delicate enamel and irritate gums
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Frequently eating and drinking acidic foods and beverages, including citrus, tomatoes, and tea
  • Age, which can lead to tooth and gum erosion over time
  • Chewing tobacco or smoking

How Care Can Cause Sensitive Teeth

You might be surprised to learn that caring for your teeth and gums can actually lead to sensitive teeth. Some treatments designed to improve your smile also tend to make teeth more sensitive and leave you asking, “Why do my teeth hurt?” Such sensitivity can result from extensive dental work and frequent tooth whitening. While this sensitivity is only temporary, it’s best to discuss this possibility with us before proceeding with any dental work.

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Call BLUSH Dental Studio today at (404) 595-5104 or request an appointment online. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice.

At BLUSH Dental Studio — the dental practice of East Point dentist Dr. Kisha Carter, we believe that having a healthy and beautiful smile helps you live a better life. As a result, we offer you and your family a unique dental experience by providing modern, compassionate and affordable comprehensive dental care. Contact us today or request a convenient appointment online. We look forward to welcoming you to BLUSH Dental Studio and helping you achieve your optimal smile and oral health.

Dr. Kisha Carter

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