What Sedation Dentistry Solutions Are Available?
Anxiety-Free Dentistry
Do you have dental anxiety? Do not fear, as you are not alone! Patients of all ages can have dental anxiety and fear and may find themselves in situations where they need dental work but have a phobia of completing their necessary dental work. With the help of our team at BLUSH Dental Studio and sedation dentistry, we can get you into our practice for the assistance you need while ensuring you are comfortable and at ease. Our dental team at BLUSH Dental Studio in East Point, Georgia, are here to ensure your comfort with the help sedation dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
While not exactly a method of “sedation”, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is the most common anti-anxiety agent used in dentistry. Nitrous oxide (laughing-gas) is a colorless blend of oxygen and nitrous oxide gases with a pleasant, sweet smell and taste. Administration is comfortable and painless, involving no more than a mask over the nose. When inhaled, nitrous oxide creates a sense of well-being and relaxation while still leaving you fully conscious throughout treatment. Breathing pure oxygen for several minutes after treatment completely reverses the effects. Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) is a stress-free anti-anxiety option for patients of all ages. Learn more about Nitrous Oxide.
Oral Conscious Sedation
If you are seeking easy, relaxed, and pain-free dentistry, it may be time to learn more about oral conscious sedation. Oral conscious sedation uses a prescription sedative taken before the dental appointment. Patients arrange transportation to their appointment, where they arrive calm and relaxed. Patients are awake during their treatment and can answer questions from the dental team throughout their procedure.
Will oral conscious sedation make me fall asleep?
While some patients are relaxed enough to take a rest, many are awake, coherent, and aware of the procedure being performed. They have the ability to go to the bathroom or talk to our dentists about their needs. However, they will not experience dental anxiety or discomfort, ensuring a positive experience.
What type of procedures can oral conscious sedation be used for?
Our team can help you feel more at ease by using oral conscious sedation anytime you request it. Whether you need sedation for tooth extraction or just to feel relaxed during your cleanings and examinations, ask our dentists about the process when combined with sedation dentistry. We find that some patients have dental anxiety that keeps them from even making their appointment for fear of pain or discomfort.
How do I learn more?
Call our dental team at BLUSH Dental Studio to discuss conscious sedation options to ease your dental anxiety. Our practice is located at 1203 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 1A, and we can be reached by calling (404) 595-5104.
Dr. Carter is a Licensed Dentist in the State of Georgia and a member of the American Dental Association, Georgia Dental Association, North Georgia Dental Society, Georgia Dental Society, Hinman Dental Society, and Honorary Society of Dental Volunteers.
Connect with Dr. Kisha Carter on Linkedin
Dr. Kim is a Licensed Dentist in the State of Georgia and a member of the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Georgia Dental Association, Alabama Dental Association, and Hinman Dental Society. She loves being able to help her patients achieve their dental goals.